Introducing FireJournal Version 3

Introducing FireJournal Version 3. It’s big news. FireJournal has been rebuilt from the ground up. It’s all new. It’s very much the same. Our team listened to our testing cadre. We listened to our users. FireJournal 3 is the result. … Read More

Making the Case for the iPad in the Fire Service

There is an ongoing discussion about the value and real capability for the iPad in the Fire Service. Some agencies are fearful of making big changes quickly, and the iPad represents a significant shift from traditional PC/toughbook style applications. Others … Read More

Update on FireJournal Road Map

The evolution of FireJournal is continuing on time and schedule. As per our previous posts, PureCommand is working diligently to move FireJournal from a tool that invites first responders to learn about the potential for incident and journal management to … Read More

A Sneak Peek at the FireJournal Roadmap

  FireJournal is an ever-expanding software solution for first responders. Designed by a combination of firefighters and software experts, FireJournal is unlike any other iOS software solution. To be different means starting with a simple but strong foundation, and to … Read More

New Version 1.1 of FireJournal LITE Released

We’re pleased to announce that a maintenance release of FireJournal has been released. This new version fixes two small bugs, and updates the new user registration process. Overall, as our users have told us, the application is solid, and there … Read More

Getting Assistance When You Need It

If you’re experiencing any issues with FireJournal, there are a number of options available to you relative to help and support. If you experience a failure of any type, we suggest you access our online help system. You can reach … Read More

FireJournal for iPad is Released!

PureCommand is pleased to announce that FireJournal LITE for the iPad is now available for immediate download in the app store within iTunes. [ get the app ] “We’re delighted to be offering this initial release of FireJournal for first … Read More

New iPad Mini a Good Fit for the Fire/EMS World

With Apple’s new release of the iPad Mini, questions are sure to arise relative to the suitability of the new device for EMS or fire-related uses. Already, hundreds of fire agencies and EMS services across the US and internationally are … Read More

Key Uses for the iPad in Emergency Services

Typically, when speaking about emergency services and mobile computing, the discussion quickly turns to ePCR software, or CAD, or ICS. The fact of the matter however, is that mobile apps can serve first responders in a number of ways, and … Read More

How Important is EHR for EMS?

As more EMS agencies begin to adapt to Electronic Health Records (EHR) and to comply with new laws, policies and regulations, the how, why and when are taking center stage. Agencies that provide ambulance service specifically are eager to see … Read More