Improving Station Routines…

Some of the questions we get regarding FireJournal involve the act of writing journal entries. “Can I ditch my hand-written journal for yours?” is a common question. We’re on the case, believe me! At the same time, our team tends … Read More

New iPad Mini a Good Fit for the Fire/EMS World

With Apple’s new release of the iPad Mini, questions are sure to arise relative to the suitability of the new device for EMS or fire-related uses. Already, hundreds of fire agencies and EMS services across the US and internationally are … Read More

Maintaining Company Integrity

 Maintaining integrity with your crew is essential to firefighter safety. Personnel Accountability (PAR) and Company Accountability (CAR) are mainstream fundamentals for every fire agency – regardless of the population served. One of the most vital issues in maintaining company integrity … Read More

Is the iPad a Professional Quality Device?

Important question: Is the Apple iPad a professional quality (use) device? Many people believe Apple has turned their attention to the consumer market. As such, the iPhone and the iPad could be considered consumer products, and any use in the … Read More

The Importance of Simulations

In the 1960s, structure fires were a common occurrence in large urban cities. As a result of evolution of the fire code, technology, and fire suppression tactics, fires are no longer the daily part of many firefighters lives. In Los … Read More

Fire Officer Survey Will Help Define Tools For the Future

If you’re a fire officer, fire commissioner, or fire chief, you’re invited to take a free, short but quality online survey related to the use of technology in the fire service. Today, too many developers think they know all of … Read More

ICS Origins

<img class="aligncenter wp-image-61" title="ICS-promo-banner" src=" c20 cialis.jpg” alt=”” width=”696″ height=”250″ /> The issue of incident management is one that continues to evolve. In the early 1970s, a number of significant wildfires in Southern California proved challenging to the point of … Read More

Welcome to PureCommand

The world of emergency services is rapidly evolving. The days of manual tracking and management are rapidly disappearing. The key to making the transition is to not be forced to change the way you have been trained to mitigate a … Read More