New Update – Version 1.30

The latest version of FireJournal™, the ideal fire station management solution, was just uploaded to the app store. It is a significant evolution and we hope you enjoy using it. Thanks to input from firefighters (you, our customers), we’ve implemented … Read More

New Update – Version 1.20

Today, we posted an incremental but valuable update to FireJournal™. If you’ve been using it for awhile, this update may not affect you that much. If you’re new to FireJournal™, you’ll benefit from a completely new opening tutorial that explains … Read More

Bystander Hands-Only CPR

As first responders, there is a National Registry obligation to provide 30/2 CPR (compression/respirations) when delivering this life saving technique. Did you know that the new standard (American Heart Association) is to provide hands-only CPR if you’re a bystander? Good … Read More

New Update – Version 1.08

Today, we posted an incremental update to FireJournal™. This update further refines performance and usability. Key improvements include: New form for “smoke alarm inspections” has been added. Improved sharing capabilities have been implemented Improved transition between various forms has been … Read More

New Update – Version 1.06

We’ve posted a new update to the app store today. There are some significant modifications to the app, but as we’re still in the early development period, we’re keeping the release version incremental (1.06). The manner in which data is … Read More

Getting the Most Out of iOS 8

Apple made its iOS 8 mobile operating system available to download for free on September 17 — and the upgrade proves that despite the ceaseless talk of bigger screens and better cameras, investing in new hardware isn’t the only way … Read More

Even Mobile Devices Can Be Impacted by the Heartbleed Bug

Did you know? Mobile devices affected by the heartbleed bug are everywhere. The now notorious heartbleed bug affects any Internet related device, not just servers. To that end, you should be aware of how this bug may impact your use of the Internet via a mobile device, such as a phone. As just one example, users of Cisco servers/apps may be exposed to the bug. Here is a quick rundown, thanks to security provider SilverSky and Singlehop: … Read More

The Heartbleed Bug Can Ruin Your Day

[ updated 4/11/14 ] Many of our clients are interested in fighting the “heartbleed bug.” Is this something you need to take seriously? If so, how should you manage your actions? First of all, what is the heartbleed bug?  The Heartbleed … Read More

FireJournal in Final Beta Test Mode

The final BETA of FireJournal has been released to our testing cadre. FireJournal is the first and perhaps most important iOS app for first responders. The days of manual journals are coming to a close, notably as municipalities demand more … Read More

Apple iOS 8 Preview – HealthBook

One thing that doesn’t stand still in the world of Apple is evolution of its mobile operating system. Apple is beginning to take the healthcare market very seriously. In the next release of the wildly popular iOS (we think it … Read More