Even Mobile Devices Can Be Impacted by the Heartbleed Bug

Did you know? Mobile devices affected by the heartbleed bug are everywhere. The now notorious heartbleed bug affects any Internet related device, not just servers. To that end, you should be aware of how this bug may impact your use of the Internet via a mobile device, such as a phone. As just one example, users of Cisco servers/apps may be exposed to the bug. Here is a quick rundown, thanks to security provider SilverSky and Singlehop: … Read More

The Heartbleed Bug Can Ruin Your Day

[ updated 4/11/14 ] Many of our clients are interested in fighting the “heartbleed bug.” Is this something you need to take seriously? If so, how should you manage your actions? First of all, what is the heartbleed bug?  The Heartbleed … Read More