Apple iOS 8 Preview – HealthBook

One thing that doesn’t stand still in the world of Apple is evolution of its mobile operating system. Apple is beginning to take the healthcare market very seriously. In the next release of the wildly popular iOS (we think it … Read More

FireJournal Roadmap – An All New Experience

Now that several thousand fire officers are using FireJournal LITE, it’s time to update you on what’s coming… A completely new environment that is the result your feedback and the needs of the fire service. FireJournal is a new way … Read More

The iPad is not a good ePCR Device – Not Yet!

As first responder agencies become excited about the prospect of a lower cost device for managing patient care records, there are a number of things to consider prior to making the leap. While excellent in many fire and EMS technology … Read More

Gov Alerts Capability Included in Apple’s iOS 6

Apple continues to listen to customers, and the latest release of iOS 6 is a solid reminder that the fruit company is committed to government and first responders. Actually, this goes way beyond first responders, and the now included “Government … Read More