Getting Started With FireJournal Lite

For those of you who are new to FireJournal LITE, getting some foundation about the app, how it is intended to be used, and how it will evolve may be useful. This application is designed to get you comfortable using … Read More

New Version 1.1 of FireJournal LITE Released

We’re pleased to announce that a maintenance release of FireJournal has been released. This new version fixes two small bugs, and updates the new user registration process. Overall, as our users have told us, the application is solid, and there … Read More

Are Fire Departments Ready to ShakeOut

  On October 18, at 1018hrs, millions of people around the world (in their respective time zones) will “drop, cover, and hold on.” They will get under their desk, under a table, or crouch next to their chair or bench … Read More

Maintaining Company Integrity

 Maintaining integrity with your crew is essential to firefighter safety. Personnel Accountability (PAR) and Company Accountability (CAR) are mainstream fundamentals for every fire agency – regardless of the population served. One of the most vital issues in maintaining company integrity … Read More

Is Social Media Good for Fire Companies?

There’s no doubt that the use of social media for public relations and public distribution of information is a powerful tool. It’s a tool that a city government or first responders can use to their benefit. Evacuations, weather or traffic … Read More

Welcome to PureCommand

The world of emergency services is rapidly evolving. The days of manual tracking and management are rapidly disappearing. The key to making the transition is to not be forced to change the way you have been trained to mitigate a … Read More