Using the New FireJournal Dashboard

One of the key new capabilities in FireJournal Version 3 is the “MyShift” dashboard. Now, when you load the app, the center of operations is the MyShift screen. This new workflow came about following multiple focus discussions with firefighters. Their … Read More

Introducing FireJournal Version 3

Introducing FireJournal Version 3. It’s big news. FireJournal has been rebuilt from the ground up. It’s all new. It’s very much the same. Our team listened to our testing cadre. We listened to our users. FireJournal 3 is the result. … Read More

A Sneak Peek at the FireJournal Roadmap

  FireJournal is an ever-expanding software solution for first responders. Designed by a combination of firefighters and software experts, FireJournal is unlike any other iOS software solution. To be different means starting with a simple but strong foundation, and to … Read More

Key Uses for the iPad in Emergency Services

Typically, when speaking about emergency services and mobile computing, the discussion quickly turns to ePCR software, or CAD, or ICS. The fact of the matter however, is that mobile apps can serve first responders in a number of ways, and … Read More

Modeling Future Disaster Readiness is Closer Than You Know.

 It’s been nearly 11 years since the tragedy of 9/11 in New York, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon. In that time, remarkable work has been done relative to counter terrorism. But we’re still in the midst of evolution relative to the … Read More

Is Social Media Good for Fire Companies?

There’s no doubt that the use of social media for public relations and public distribution of information is a powerful tool. It’s a tool that a city government or first responders can use to their benefit. Evacuations, weather or traffic … Read More

The Free and the Fee

We’ve begun our initial Beta Testing for the first release of Command Journal. This version will be a FREE edition, available via the app store in iTunes. We’re really excited to get this new edition into your hands ASAP, but … Read More

Fire Departments and Gathering of Data: Part Two

As communities fight for emergency resources, budgets, and access to first responder performance data, it is becoming essential for fire departments and other first responder agencies to develop appropriate processes to not only develop accurate data, but to extract and … Read More

Fire Departments and Gathering of Data: Part One

  Data collection is a sensitive issue when putting the fire service in front of politicians and the public. There is a lot of data out there, and while some of it is complete and useful, much of it leaves … Read More