FireJournal for iPad is Released!

PureCommand is pleased to announce that FireJournal LITE for the iPad is now available for immediate download in the app store within iTunes. [ get the app ] “We’re delighted to be offering this initial release of FireJournal for first … Read More

New iPad Mini a Good Fit for the Fire/EMS World

With Apple’s new release of the iPad Mini, questions are sure to arise relative to the suitability of the new device for EMS or fire-related uses. Already, hundreds of fire agencies and EMS services across the US and internationally are … Read More

Key Uses for the iPad in Emergency Services

Typically, when speaking about emergency services and mobile computing, the discussion quickly turns to ePCR software, or CAD, or ICS. The fact of the matter however, is that mobile apps can serve first responders in a number of ways, and … Read More

Is the iPad a Professional Quality Device?

Important question: Is the Apple iPad a professional quality (use) device? Many people believe Apple has turned their attention to the consumer market. As such, the iPhone and the iPad could be considered consumer products, and any use in the … Read More