Security Updates for iOS 6 Are Relevant to the Fire Service

One of the biggest benefits for users of iOS 6 devices is security. Because of the hardware identity implemented for every iOS device, as well as the identity of each software app delivered, malware and other hacks, while possible, are … Read More

Making the Case for the iPad in Professional Use

Last month, we talked a bit about the basic issues related to the Apple iPad as a business device. There’s no doubt that multiple industries are racing forward with the idea of building a successful business model in partnership with … Read More

Is the iPad a Professional Quality Device?

Important question: Is the Apple iPad a professional quality (use) device? Many people believe Apple has turned their attention to the consumer market. As such, the iPhone and the iPad could be considered consumer products, and any use in the … Read More

Is a Smart Phone or iPad Useful for Initial Sizeups?

You’re the commander of a single engine company and you’re en route to a structure fire. It’s early in the morning and you’ve just completed relief as have all of the other companies in your battalion. Nobody has completed line … Read More

The Free and the Fee

We’ve begun our initial Beta Testing for the first release of Command Journal. This version will be a FREE edition, available via the app store in iTunes. We’re really excited to get this new edition into your hands ASAP, but … Read More