Evaluating FireJournal

Before making a decision about the use of FireJournal, it’s worthwhile to download it, install it, and spend some time evaluating it. Because FireJournal is FREE, the key factor will be time. Do you have a few hours to evaluate it? The time will be well spent.

There’s a routine you can follow, so that you can evaluate what it does now, and what you might want in the future. A huge key for FireJournal is its ongoing development. Every few months, an upgrade is released. These upgrades are driven by firefighter input.

Step One: Get the App

So, the first step is to download it from the Apple app store.

Once on your iPad, you’ll be able to launch it – and learn what it does. The opening tutorial is simple, but effective.

NOTE: When you start FireJournal, you’ll be offered FREE 24/7 customer support. Just tap on the offer and you’ll be set up. Bam! If you need support, you can access it via the app!

Step Two: Get Started

After completing the opening tutorial (which you may skip if you like), you’ll be able to create your first journal entry. Go ahead.

Call it “first journal entry” if you like – or something similar.

Complete the fields in the model box that appears. Most are just taps on the screen.

When the journal entry detail screen appears, you may enter text for each segment. Guess what? You can tap on the mic option and speak the entries. No typing is required.

Step Three: Complete Your Settings

After you’ve completed a journal entry, select the “Settings” option and note all of the variables.

You may adjust the platoons your department uses.

You may enter every apparatus your department uses. Try just a few to get started.

You may create different crews you work with.

Don’t forget to complete all of your personal data.

Step Four: Experiment

Now that you have created some of the specific elements in use by your department, try using different capabilities.

Create an incident. Note that in the detail screen you may enter your terms for incidents AND those required by NFIRS.

Once the incident has been completed and saved (automatically), tap on “Forms” in the vertical navigation.

Try the “NFIRS Basic” form. Note that some of the detail from the incident auto-populates in the NFIRS form. No duplicate data entry!

When the form is complete, you may share it – send it via email to yourself or another department member.

Once you have created four or five incidents, tap on the “Incident Map” option in the navigation. You’ll see your incidents appear as pins on a map. You may zoom in and out as you wish. If you want to know more about an incident, tap on the pin. A short form report will appear tied to the pin. If you need incident detail, tap on the (information) icon in the info box. You’ll instantly see the entire incident detail screen. That’s just the beginning of the power within FireJournal.

To get answers to questions, you may either create a support ticket for questions that cannot be answered – or check out the FAQ.

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Gary Picket

Gary Picket

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