Three Reasons FireJournal is Ideal for Any Firefighter

There are three reasons FireJournal is ideal for any firefighter in today’s complex world. Unlike a typical nine to five job, every firefighter is accountable for their time and actions. In the event of a fire wherein someone is injured or killed, accountability reaches beyond the company level in many jurisdictions. That same type of issues arise when seeking to promote, lateral to a different department, or to ensure your certificates are in order.

Reason 1: Accountability

Being accountable is more than a frame of mind. Demonstrating your behavior as a firefighter is essential in any background or historical review. A log book doesn’t begin to cover the essential requirements for anyone on the job.

Because FireJournal helps you by tracking your actions, you can keep a professional diary that is sharable with anyone. Add Journal Entries during every shift that cover key work activities – training, public service, events, mentoring, disputes, etc. Separately, keep your own accounts of incidents. Where, when, and how did you participate? Add tags to support your entries with key search oriented elements, such as public assistance, hiring, rookie evaluations, police involvement, etc.

Reason 2: Historical Significance

As you move through your career, you may decide it’s important to promote. Most fire agencies want to promote their members, based in part on the significant issues they’ve experienced during their career. So, if you saved someone from a structure, or a burning car, or achieved ROSC delivering CPR to an SCA patient, these are important historical issues to address. There is a specific benefit to doing so via your own journal as well. Using your own words, and your own perspective may prove highly useful when you seek to promote to any rank or position in the future.

Reason 3: Area of Practice

As a firefighter, you’ll spend specific periods of your career in different parts of the city/county. As your career develops, seeing visually and via your journal and incident entries what events took place will be important. It’s also very interesting to see where you’ve worked various jobs. Sure, unless you’re in a hyper busy metro environment, a few months won’t be meaningful. However, after a few years, even in a slow district, you’ll start to see some important trends.

There are many reasons to consider FireJournal as your career partner in managing every shift you work. These three offer some useful and important options that could make the difference for you in the future.

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Gary Picket

Gary Picket

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